Save the Date - June 26
Stronger Together- Community Language Schools Badminton Tournament
NSW Epping West Chinese School would like to invite everyone in Community Language Schools across New South Wales to participate our first ever Team Tournament on June 26th, 2022. Registrations for teams are now open! Funding to this project has been provided by the NSW government.
Tournament Date: 26 June 2022
Venue: Alpha Badminton Centre, 46 Egerton Street Silverwater (Free entry)
Eligibility: Enrolled students in Community Language Schools
Division: Under 12’s and Under 17’s (as at tournament date, i.e., 26 June 2022)
Team requirements: Up to 4 players, at least one girl
Each round will consist of two Singles matches and one Doubles match. Players can play in any game regardless of gender. The strongest Singles player should play in the first Singles match (this must be decided beforehand, players will not be allowed to switch before the game). No player from any team is allowed to play two matches in a round.
U12 qualification matches will be played in a one-set, 21-point format. U12 finals matches and all U17 matches will be played in a one-set, 30-point format. There is no tie-break system. Matches won, points won, and points lost in all matches are counted towards a team’s final score, which will determine whether a team makes it into the quarter finals.
Refer to and Stronger Together tab for more information.
Rewards: Trophy, medal/certificate to all participants, T shirts to qualified teams
All Community Language Schools are welcome to express their interest in continuing the program after June tournament. Up to $500 Allowance to eligible CLSs for Term 3 weekly/Fortnightly competition.
Competition for Arts (Students) and Lesson Plan (Teachers) will be out shortly.
10 weeks complementary Training Program for Participated Community Language School Students:
$110/student/term - 1 session/week
$130/student/term - 2 sessions/week
Location: ALPHA Badminton Center, 46 Egerton Street, Silverwater
Time: Monday to Friday 5:00 to 6:00pm
All coaches are qualified and verified in Working with Children Check system.
Only students to participate tournament are eligible to enroll the complimentary training program. Training time is 5 to 6pm from Monday to Friday. Each student can only enroll maximum 2 days per week. Each school and student will receive an unique code upon registration. The training schedule will be published on the website in due course.
Registration form:
Community Language School name:
Contact Name: Email:
Tournament Onsite Contact: Contact number(for emergency only):
Player List:
1. Name: Grade: Sex:
2. Name: Grade: Sex:
3. Name Grade: Sex:
4. Name Grade: Sex:
*Each team should be in a separate entry form. All personal information is not to be disclosed in public.
*All entry forms in word or excel format should be emailed to by 25 May 2022.
Updates and photos will be posted both in below two websites under Stronger Together tab:
Background Information:
NSW Epping West Chinese School, started in 2015 at Epping West Public School, offers Monday to Saturday Chinese lessons. NSW Federation of Community Language School Inc. member, Registered Employer in Working with Children Check system, Registered Creative Kids Voucher Provider. Competed in Sydney Chinese College Badminton Tournament for three times so far, won Third Place in 2022.
Sydney Chinese College Badminton League Club, host tournaments since 2015. Currently have more than 1000 members from 100+ universities / colleges in China and Australia. More than 300 players across New South Wales participated in every tournament over 3-month period between 2019 to 2022. Provides amateur sports insurance。
Community Language School program supports community organisations to deliver programs that support school-aged students to maintain their background or heritage language.
In the event of any discrepancy, website version shall prevail. All players should be aware of the risk involved and famaliar with the rules and relevant code of conduct.
Stronger Together
NSW Epping West Chinese School Inc.
6.26 羽你相约 仗剑球馆
新州Epping West中文学校诚意邀请新州范围所有社区语言学校在册生报名参加6月
比赛场馆: Alpha Badminton Centre, 46 Egerton Street Silverwater (Free entry)
参赛资格: 所有社区语言学校在册学生
参加比赛的学生才享受优惠培训课程,周一到周五下午五点到六点,任选一天和两天上课. 注册后每一位参加培训的学生将会得到唯一的代号,培训安排会在网站公布。
社区语言学校Community Language School name:
联系人Contact Name: 邮箱
比赛日联系人Tournament Onsite Contact:
紧急联系人电话Contact number(for emergency only):
球员名单Player List:
姓名 年级 性别
NSW Epping West Chinese School Inc.